Thursday, 14 August 2014

Leaderboard nearly ready

I spent a long time this evening trying to work out why the next exciting development in Float wasn't working.
That next exciting development just happens to be an amazon GameCircle leaderboard. You'll see from the screen shot, I eventually had success.
The problem was that the GameCircle SDK was not initialising, and other than messages to "follow the developer instructions" there was little to go on. But gradually, I tracked down the cause. I promise I'll explain it simply:
I was getting an error that the api key was missing, even though I'd created my amazon security profile and generated my api key using the MD5 fingerprint from my android keystore... (i take back my promise by the way). The key was in the assets folder and all instructions had been followed.
However, I used the MD5 fingerprint from the keystore I use to sign my releases... But I was testing in an unsigned debug build. As I learned tonight these are not unsigned, but signed with a debug keystore. So when I set up a new api key, based on my debug builds, everything worked like magic, and my efforts the night before were suddenly worthwhile!
Still some work to do, but you can expect a new release in testing (google+ community "float beta testers") soon.

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